
Saturday, January 26, 2008

New Zealand Part 1

Greetings all !!
Today we are in Hamilton New Zealand, relaxing and enjoying a day off in the sun.
We flew all night from Malaysia, drove 2 hours to the festival and played the show last night. The day was pretty crazy but the show was great. 30,000 in attendance!
NZ is beautiful, very clean and green, so glad we get time to enjoy it.
Tomorrow we head to Raglan NZ, a well known surf spot, for 2 days doing absolutely nothing but laying around by the beach. Should be incredible !!
So ill have more later, cant stand being inside while its so beautiful outside... currently 78 Degrees and sunny!
bye for now

Friday, January 25, 2008


I arrived in Jakarta safe and sound but could barely keep my eyes open.
My bags were lost but honestly I've come to expect that anytime I fly over seas!!
Luckily i packed accordingly.... as least for one extra day.
We were treated so well in Indonesia, and I may have had some of the best food of my life!!
They even had a van wrapped in all Switchfoot that we were picked up in!!
I have included some pics of dinner and arriving in Jakarta.
We have the show tonight and leave tomorrow for a all day flight to NZ..more soon