
Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Sydney Post 2

I just took off on a (2 hour delayed) Qantas flight headed to Auckland, New Zealand. We have been in Sydney for the past 4 days but now it’s time to move on, and I’m ready.
We will be in NZ for less than 24 hours, and then back to Australia for the rest of the shows. I know that might seem a bit crazy to most of you but its pretty routine for us.
Fly the out!!
During the days off I ventured downtown to the Opera house and hopped on a ferry to see the harbors from the water, the view is so much better from out there.
The only bummer was the Opera house was closed for inside tours all this week due to some world leaders attending the APEC conference. Of course had to take some video of us doing our best Pavarotti in front of the Opera house staris!
I saw Air Force One on the way in early this morning..wish we were traveling around on that.
Need to sleep while I can
I miss sarah..

…..more tomorrow.

Perth, Australia

We flew last night from Sydney to the west coast of Australia for the show today. Its the first one we have done while over here. 5,300 sold out.!!
This morning we visited a wildlife preserve, got to check out some Kolas, Emus, Pigs, Crocs, Deer and a bunch more. Male Koala bears kinda smell like Urine….really.
Tim rode on a filthy dirty pig, Jon kissed a camel, Jerome head-butted a billy goat, and a crocodile peed on Chad's shoe..pretty funny.
So when we finish the show tonight we will head directly to the airport for a red eye (all–night) flight back to Sydney for an early morning load in tomorrow
…... the glamorous life of a rock and roll band.
I miss sleeping!
By the way if you ever decide to fly Virgin Blue airlines be aware that they charge 4 bucks for water!
Richard Branson you should be ashamed!!!